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2014 호주 G20 일정

외교부 > 다자경제외교국 > G20‧경제기구과


December 2013
Date Title Location
11 Dec T20 meeting Sydney
12 Dec to 13 Dec Sherpa meeting #1 Sydney
15 Dec to 16 Dec Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting #1 Canberra
16 Dec to 17 Dec Development Working Group meeting #1 Sydney
January 2014
Date Title Location
21 Jan to 22 Jan Framework Working Group meeting #1 Québec City
February 2014
Date Title Location
05 Feb to 06 Feb Taskforce on Employment meeting #1 Sydney
06 Feb to 07 Feb Investment and Infrastructure Working Group meeting #1 Mexico City
10 Feb to 13 Feb Energy Sustainability Working Group meeting #1 Melbourne
20 Feb to 22 Feb Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting #2 Sydney
21 Feb B20 / G20 Infrastructure Roundtable Sydney
22 Feb to 23 Feb Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting #1 Sydney
26 Feb to 27 Feb Anti-corruption Working Group meeting #1 Sydney
March 2014
Date Title Location
19 Mar Investment and Infrastructure Working Group meeting #2 Sydney
21 Mar to 22 Mar Framework Working Group meeting #2 Ankara
27 Mar to 28 Mar Sherpa meeting #2 Uluru
April 2014
Date Title Location
10 Apr to 11 Apr Taskforce on Employment meeting #2 Paris
10 Apr Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting #3 Washington
10 Apr to 11 Apr Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting #2 Washington
14 Apr Informal Development Working Group meeting Washington
May 2014
Date Title Location
06 May G20 Growth Strategies: Trade Meeting Paris
08 May to 09 May Development Working Group meeting #2 Hobart
09 May to 10 May G20 International Tax Symposium Tokyo
12 May Australian presidency roundtable with engagement groups Canberra
29 May to 30 May Energy Sustainability Working Group meeting #2 Sydney
June 2014
Date Title Location
04 Jun to 05 Jun Investment and Infrastructure Working Group meeting #3 Singapore
06 Jun to 07 Jun Framework Working Group meeting #3 Goa
09 Jun to 10 Jun Anti-corruption Working Group meeting #2 Rome
19 Jun to 20 Jun Meeting of Agricultural Chief Scientists Brisbane
20 Jun to 21 Jun C20 Summit Melbourne
22 Jun to 23 Jun Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting #4 Melbourne
23 Jun Joint Finance Deputies / Sherpa meeting Melbourne
23 Jun to 24 Jun Sherpa meeting #3 Melbourne
24 Jun L20 Forum - More jobs, better jobs for stronger growth Melbourne
25 Jun T20 Conference Melbourne
July 2014
Date Title Location
12 Jul to 15 Jul Y20 Summit Sydney
16 Jul to 18 Jul B20 Australia Summit Sydney
19 Jul Trade Ministers meeting Sydney
22 Jul to 24 Jul Taskforce on Employment meeting #3 Brisbane
August 2014
Date Title Location
25 Aug to 28 Aug Energy Sustainability Working Group meeting #3 Brisbane
September 2014
Date Title Location
01 Sep to 30 Sep Investment and Infrastructure Working Group meeting #4 (DATE TBC) Indonesia
01 Sep to 30 Sep Framework Working Group meeting #4 (DATE TBC) TBC
03 Sep to 05 Sep Development Working Group meeting #3 Perth
08 Sep Employment Taskforce workshop with engagement groups Melbourne
09 Sep Taskforce on Employment meeting #4 Melbourne
10 Sep to 11 Sep Labour and Employment Ministers meeting Melbourne
18 Sep to 20 Sep Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting #5 Cairns
20 Sep to 21 Sep Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting #3 Cairns
25 Sep to 26 Sep Sherpa meeting #4 Canberra
October 2014
Date Title Location
09 Oct to 10 Oct Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting #4 (if needed) Washington
09 Oct Finance and Central Bank Deputies meeting #6 (if needed) Washington
16 Oct to 18 Oct Anti-corruption Working Group meeting #3 Paris
November 2014
Date Title Location
12 Nov to 14 Nov L20 Summit Brisbane
13 Nov to 15 Nov Finance Ministers meeting (if needed) Brisbane
13 Nov to 14 Nov B20 meeting Brisbane
15 Nov to 16 Nov G20 Leaders Summit Brisbane

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